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Update a Custom API Entry



Update a Custom API Entry


Path Parameters

    customApiSlug stringrequired

    The slug of the Custom API.

    Example: wishlists
    customApiEntryId uuidrequired

    The id of the Custom Entry.

    Example: 7e067539-6f6c-46e1-8c55-940031b36c6a

Header Parameters

    If-Match string

    When If-Match is set, the value must be W/"{etag_id}". If the value of the header matches, the request completes. If not, HTTP 412 Precondition Failed is returned.


    data CustomApiEntryAttributesrequired
    type string

    Specifies the type of the resource object, use the api_type of the Custom API for Custom API Entry.

    $customFieldSlug stringintegerboolean

    Specifies the data for this Custom API Entry, each key must match a slug of a Custom Field. The corresponding value must conform to the defined field_type and meet the validation defined for that field if set.

    links object
    meta Meta (integer)
    timestamps Timestampsrequired



Response Headers
  • ETag string

    A unique identifier representing the current version of the resource. When the resource changes, the ETag value will also change.

    data CustomApiEntryAttributesrequired
    id uuidrequired

    The unique identifier for the Custom API Entry

    type stringrequired

    Specifies the type of the resource object, use the api_type of the Custom API for Custom API Entry.

    $customFieldSlug stringintegerboolean

    Specifies the data for this Custom API Entry, each key must match a slug of a Custom Field. The corresponding value must conform to the defined field_type and meet the validation defined for that field if set.

    links object
    self uri

    Specifies the URI of the Custom API Entry.

    meta Meta (integer)
    timestamps Timestampsrequired
    updated_at stringrequired

    Specifies the date the entity is created.

    created_at stringrequired

    Specifies the date the entity is last updated.

    data_size integerrequired

    Default value: 0

    Specifies the sum of the size of each value stored for the Custom API Entry in bytes. The total size of a Custom API Entry must not exceed 64KB.

    resource_version integer

    Default value: 0

    A unique identifier representing the current version of the resource. When the resource changes, the resource_version value will also change.

    etag_id string

    A unique identifier representing the current version of the resource that is a hashed string. When the resource changes, the etag_id will also change.
